Research & Teaching
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peer-reviewed publications
2024 (7)
Kudina, O.,
Torkamaan, H., Steinert, S., Pera, M. S., Freire, S. K., Verma, H., Oviedo-Trespalacios, O.
Challenges and future directions for integration of large language models into socio-technical systems
Behaviour & Information Technology, 1–20.
Kudina, O.
Daily life in times of war: A technological mediation perspective
Journal of Human-Technology Relations
(1), 1–8
Kudina, O.
, and Peter-Paul Verbeek.
Fitting the particular and the general: Human-technology relations in the context of technological systems and global events
Journal of Human-Technology Relations
(1), 1–8
Kudina, O.
, and de Boer, B.
Large language models, politics, and the functionalization of language.
AI and Ethics.
Aulia, S.,
Kudina, O.
, Ding, A. and van de Poel, I.
AI versus AI for democracy: exploring the potential of adversarial machine learning to enhance privacy and deliberative decision-making in elections.
AI and Ethics, 1-13.
Kudina, O.
, and van de Poel, I.
The sociotechnical systems perspective on AI.
Minds & Machines, (34), 21.
Feng, S., Halpern, B. M.,
Kudina, O.
, & Scharenborg, O.
Towards inclusive automatic speech recognition.
Computer Speech & Language, (84), 101567.
2023 (3)
Kudina, O.
, & Verbeek, P. P.
Theorizing and criticizing human-technology relations: Interdisciplinary perspectives, emerging technologies, and open science.
Journal of Human-Technology Relations, 1, 1-7.
Kudina, O.
Moral hermeneutics and technology: Making moral sense through human-technology-world relations.
Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield (open access)
Grauwde, M., Neerincx, M., &
Kudina, O.
Conversational Agents for a Deliberative Age.
The Eleventh AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) Conference 2023, Delft, The Netherlands
2022 (7)
Kudina, O.
Speak, memory: the postphenomenological analysis of memory-making in the age of algorithmically powered social networks.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
(Nature affiliate journal),
(1), 1-7.
van Brakel, R.,
Kudina, O.,
Fonio, C., & Boersma, K.
Bridging values: Finding a balance between privacy and control. The case of Corona apps in Belgium and the Netherlands
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
(1), 50-58.
Kudina, O.
The Entanglement of Technology and Everyday Life in the Home. In T. Swierstra, P. Lemmens, T. Sharon and P. Vermaas (Eds.)
The Technical Condition: The Entanglement of Technology, Culture, and Society
(pp. 75-107). Boom: Amsterdam.
Kudina, O.
Smart Digital Voice Assistants. Contribution to the STOA report (EU Panel for the Future of Science and Technology) by I. van de Poel, T. de Wildt, I. Oosterlaken and J. van den Hoven (Eds).
The ethical & societal challenges of the upcoming technological storm: Blending augmented / virtual reality, AI, IoT, robotics, blockchain, bio-nano technology and 5/6G networks
(pp. 38-41). Brussels: European Union.
Kudina, O.
The Democratic Need For AI As Deliberative Multimodal Systems (DeMoS).
Turkish Policy Quarterly
(1), 1-5.
Van de Poel, I. and
Kudina, O
Understanding technology-induced value change: a pragmatist proposal.
Philosophy & Technology
(2), 1-24.
Nickel, P.J,
Kudina, O.
& Van de Poel, I.
Moral uncertainty in technomoral change: Bridging the explanatory gap.
Perspectives on Science.
2021 (7)
Feng S.,
Kudina O.,
Halpern B. and Scharenborg O.
Quantifying bias in automatic speech recognition
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.15122
Kudina, O.
Bridging privacy and solidarity in COVID-19 contact-tracing apps through the sociotechnical systems perspective
Kudina, O.
Regulating AI in Health Care: The Challenges of Informed User Engagement
The Hastings Center Report
Kudina, O.
and M. Coeckelbergh
«Alexa, define empowerment»: Voice assistants at home, appropriation and technoperformances
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
Kudina, O.
Alexa, who am I?
: Voice Assistants and Hermeneutic Lemniscate as the Technologically Mediated Sense-Making
Human Studies
Kudina, O.
& de Boer, B.
Co-designing diagnosis: towards a responsible integration of Machine Learning decision-support systems in medical diagnostics.
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
De Boer, B. &
Kudina, O.
What is morally at stake when using algorithms to make medical diagnoses? Expanding the discussion beyond risks and harms.
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.
2020 (1)
Boenink, M. &
Kudina, O.
Values in Responsible Research and Innovation: from entities to practices.
Journal of responsible innovation, 7(3), pp. 450-470.
2019 (5)
Kudina, O.
The technological mediation of morality: value dynamism, and the complex interaction between ethics and technology [PhD thesis].
Enschede: University of Twente.
Kudina, O.
& Verbeek, P. P.
Ethics from within: Google Glass, the Collingridge dilemma, and the mediated value of privacy.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, 44(2), pp. 291-314.
Kudina, O.
Accounting for the Moral Significance of Technology: Revisiting the Case of Non-Medical Sex Selection.
Journal of bioethical inquiry, 16(1), pp. 75-85.
Kudina, O.
Alexa does not care. Should you? Media literacy in the age of Digital Voice Assistants.
Glimpse, Vol. 19, pp. 106-114.
Kudina, O.
& Bruce, L.
The #10YearChallenge: Harmless Fun or Cause for Concern?, February 11. Accessed on November 26, 2019
Journal of responsible innovation, 7(3), pp. 450-470.
2018 (2)
Kudina, O.
& Bas, M.
“The end of privacy as we know it”: Reconsidering public space in the age of Google Glass. In B. C. Newell, T. Timan, & B. J. Koops (Eds.).
Surveillance, Privacy and Public Space (pp. 131-152). Routledge.
de Boer, B., Hoek, J., &
Kudina, O.
Can the technological mediation approach improve technology assessment? A critical view from ‘within’.
Journal of responsible innovation, 5(3), pp. 299-315.
2014 (1)
Kudina, O
Technology and academic virtues in Ukraine: Escaping the Soviet path dependency.
EASST Review, 33(4), pp. 9-11.